"...a mandatory event for all business owners..."
“The Empowered Mom Summit is an essential gathering for all business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs, blending modern marketing techniques with time-tested sales and marketing strategies. Missing out is a missed opportunity, especially when your competitors don’t.”
- Carey D.
"...a life changing event for all moms..."
“The Empowered Mom Summit is absolutely life changing! It has helped me plan time with my kids, pursue my life goals and balance filling my own cup too.. the resources are crazy valuable. Not to mention they are moms themselves and have thought of all different ways to make it easier on us to participate by providing complementary activities to keep your kids busy AND involved while you study!”
- Wendy C.
"...a vital event for anyone planning a large milestone event..."
“The Empowered Mom Summit is a go to place to plan any milestone event coming up in your life – business expansion, new baby, wedding.. anything and everything they have thought of a resource for you”